Monday, December 7, 2009

Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime

Those monks sure look like they know how to enjoy Christmas, right? In any case, we’ve finally made it to the end of 2009 and the start of the Christmas season. This is a decade I will be very glad to see go—it’s been ten years of stagnation, bad decisions, and innumerable regrets, not just in my own life but in the country and world as a whole. We’re still adjusting to the glut of new technology we’ve been inundated with, still involved in wars that might never be won, still dealing with economic woes—so far we’re all still struggling to get out of bed the morning after the long party that was the 20th Century. On the plus side, it can only get better from here, right?

In honor of Christmas and in honor of my celebratory mood at finally coming to the end of what has been a very rough decade, I’ve decided to spend the month of December talking about some of my favorite Christmas memories from the past three decades. Between now and Christmas I’ll be writing about ten (twelve was just too much!) of my all time favorite Christmas presents, with a few oddities and embarrassments thrown in for good measure. This isn’t a top ten list by any means, and I’ll be talking about the memories associated with the gift as much as the gift itself, but I enjoyed writing about Halloween so much that it seems only natural to take on another holiday.

So grab some hot chocolate, stick on some Christmas songs, and get ready for a festive celebration of 80s and 90s holiday nostalgia!

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