Wednesday, November 11, 2009


As a huge fan of the original Clash of the Titans movie (I was scared of Medusa until I was 21) I've been somewhat anxious about the remake. It'll be cool to see all the monsters updated with 21st Century technology, and Liam Neeson as Zeus is a safe bet, but do we really need remakes of everything? "Remake" is generally a euphemism for "god-awful cinematic abortion." Can you improve on the primitive handcrafted charm of Ray Harryhausen's stop motion creatures? No, you can't, but you can make it bigger, louder, and faster. Behold the new trailer:

Did you feel your head exploding? Now I love Greek Mythology, and I'm a bit of a sucker for these high octane, explosion driven, hard rock trailers, so I will probably see this. On the other hand, I have no idea what I just saw. There was Medusa and a giant scorpion, then I think I fugued out for a few seconds due the bombardment of images and music. There's no hint at all about what the characters or plot might be like. It's either incredibly awesome or incredibly stupid. What it reminds me of most is being 5 years old, playing an Ozzy Osbourne record, and putting my He-Man figures through similar hyperactive adventures. Is that good? I have no idea. My brain has melted.

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