Monday, June 1, 2009

Girls Love Twilight

I was lucky enough to have been able to attend the MTV Movie Awards last night, seated as far as possible from the stage and surrounded by a group of screaming thirteen year old girls. There was nothing of note to see that you couldn't see on TV, but man, do teenage girls love Twilight. I'm really not sure what to make of society's future when a glowing, vegetarian, pro-abstinence vampire is every teen girl's dream man. Maybe it's a good thing, I don't know, but when you watch MTV these days it's not hard to get the idea that "the man" has finally won. There's very little envelope pushing anymore. (But to be fair I haven't read Twilight or seen the movie, so perhaps my ramblings are those of a bitter old man who just "doesn't get it.")

Not that I didn't have fun there. Some of the sketches were very funny, particuarly the "Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions" song and Andy Samberg playing "Doubt" for the Sega Genesis. (For me Sega Genesis is a comedy flag word like Aquaman, Tito Jackson, or the band Rush--no idea why, but it is always, ALWAYS funny.)

I really enjoyed the Eminem bit--I can't say for sure whether Eminem was in on it or not, but I get the feeling he would almost have to be, considering the danger of doing a wire stunt like that and the amount of rehersal involved. But he did look genuinely pissed off, so who knows. If he's not in on the joke, he needs to get a sense of humor, othewise, kudos to him for playing off his image. Fake or not, the stunt sure landed with the audience--that's what counts, right? Anyway, for more information on the Eminem/Bruno debacle, consult the internet. Anywhere. I bet there's even a link on Eric Cantor's twitter page.

When I was a kid the MTV Movie Awards meant the official kickoff of summer (while the VMAs meant the official end of summer) so it was a great experience for me to finally get to go to one and see some celebrities sort of up-close. I definitely didn't get excited like I used to--maybe because when you're an adult summer doesn't matter so much. Maybe MTV was always geared towards preteens--that sort of thing is much harder to guage when you're a preteen.

But really. Twilight? Honestly? Nothing makes you feel so old as spending time with thirteen year olds. Oh well. It was fun.

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